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Solar Buoy Navigation Light -White

Solar Buoy Navigation Light -White


Product Code: CGL-SBW
Made in USA #1Icon #2Icon #5

Product Information

U.S. Barricades Solar Powered White Buoy Light with two mile range (CGL Series) is the most versatile, low-cost, navigation light for marinas, channel markers, bays and harbors. Made of high impact UV stabilized LEXAN® Polycarbonate, the U.S. Barricade Solar Buoy navigation light combine with efficient LED technology will provide years of reliable maintenance-free operation in the harshest environments.

To Activate Buoy light, push the waterproof rubber switch, light will flash at 55 fpm. Push button again and light wil be on steady burn. Lights can be installed with pipe mount or box mount. Proudly made in the United States, this is the most economical, durable and reliable solar powered (Special Purposes) buoy light in the industry.

* Solar Panel: 3 watt, Size: 6" x 5" - Lens Size: 4" x 6 "
* CGL Series White Solar Buoy Lights utilizes six LED's, 360 Degree, Two mile visibility
* LED bulbs rated for over 100,000 hours life span
* Change from steady burn or 55 fpm. with the 3 way switch
* Output 5 to 8 Candela in steady burn mode and 12 to 18 Candela in flashing mode.
* Photocell controlled circuit is manually turned on/off by switch on the base of the dome
* Meets and exceeds specifications for Buoy Navigation Lights
* Lens and housing made with Hi-Impact UV stabilized LEXAN® Polycarbonate
* Two LiFePO4 batteries will last for years before replacement.
* One year warranty.
*Made in the United States

Product CodeCGL-SBW
ManufacturerU.S. Barricades®

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